What is a naturopathic doctor?
NDs are licensed, board-certified doctors who complete 4+ years of holistic medical school, log over 1,000 patient contacts, and complete clinical rotations, OSCEs (in-person standardized patient exams), and licensing exams.
The Six Principles of Naturopathic Medicine
First Do No Harm
The Healing Power of Nature
Identify and Treat the Causes
Doctor as Teacher
Treat the Whole Person
ND vs. MD: What’s the difference?
Naturopathic Doctor
Naturopathic doctors (NDs) are trained as primary care physicians who diagnose, treat and manage patients with acute and chronic conditions, while addressing disease and dysfunction at the level of body, mind and spirit.
Education is holistic and wellness-oriented.
Curriculum includes biomedical sciences plus botanical medicine, lifestyle, physical medicine and nutrition.
Insurance plans (including Medicaid) cover NDs in some states.
Medical Doctor
Medical doctors (MDs) are physicians, specialists or surgeons who take a biological approach to healing. They utilize various techniques and tests to diagnose a patient’s symptoms and develop a treatment plan to address the disease.
Education is disease-specific and heavily pharmaceutical-based.
The curriculum includes standard biomedical sciences.
Insurance plans (including Medicaid) cover MDs in all states.
Care with YOU at the Center
The principles of naturopathic medicine are grounded in a philosophy of prevention and patient empowerment. This includes individualized treatment plans and longer appointment durations.
The Naturopathic Therapeutic Order:
Start Gently and Safely
1. Remove Obstacles to Health
2. Stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms
3. Strengthen Weakened or Damaged Systems – Restore and Regenerate
4. Correct Structural Integrity
5. Use Natural Therapies to Address Pathology and Symptoms
6. Use Pharmaceutical or Synthetic Substances to Stop Progressive Pathology
7. Use High Force, Invasive Therapies to Suppress Pathology