The Link Between Autoimmune Disease, “Mystery Illness,” and Infections
Chronic infection causes a lot of disease, and goes undiagnosed. There are many tests for "stealth" infections that aren't typically tested for or detected in conventional medicine. Some are regular blood labs and some are specialty tests. I have seen this in practice and experienced it personally. Often, patients are diagnosed with multiple conditions including interstitial cystitis and fibromyalgia. However, once an integrative medicine practitioner orders the right tests, these conditions turn out to be caused by stealth infections. Other conditions that may be caused by infection include seizure, psoriasis, eczema, psychosis, depression, MS, ALS, IBD, IBS, ADHD, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, OCD, bladder pain, chronic sinus issues, rheumatoid arthritis, brain fog, tremors, and many more.
The good news—once the infection is identified, it can be treated! Even when there are no drug treatments for a condition, there are a multitude of successful alternative treatments I use everyday.
See this recent article on how Epstein Barr is a likely cause of MS: