Powerful Natural Treatments That Can Help With Fibromyalgia Pain

For many people with fibromyalgia, pain is just a normal part of life. Along with the pain are many other debilitating symptoms including fatigue and memory issues. But if you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia - or even if you just suspect based on your symptoms - you don’t have to suffer needlessly. Finding the root cause to your pain and symptoms can increase your quality of life exponentially.  

How to Help Fibromyalgia Pain

In my clinical experience, I find that fibromyalgia is caused by an immune trigger. This can lead to symptoms of high histamine that include brain fog, allergies, ENT problems, stomach irritation, alcohol intolerance, skin itching or rashes, and so much more.

Finding the root cause of fibromyalgia takes a functional medicine approach. According to Mayo Clinic, fibromyalgia often appears after an event such as a hidden infection or trauma. A hidden infection can explain why these patients also have high histamine. Another cause of fibromyalgia could be an exposure to environmental contaminants like mold.

This is why it’s really important for patients with fibromyalgia pain to lower any inflammation and get some safe, non toxic symptom relief. Below are some powerful natural treatments that I recommend for patients with fibromyalgia pain.

Herbal Anti Inflammatories and Topical Creams

So what helps fibromyalgia pain? The first thing I suggest to patients is to take natural anti inflammatories. These help to shut down inflammatory processes in the body similar to an ibuprofen. Some that I recommend are Boswellia, Curcumin (a chemical compound found in turmeric), and ginger. It’s important to discuss any supplements you’d like to take with a medical professional before use.

I also recommend taking proteolytic enzymes. They are similar to what our stomach uses naturally to break down food. But instead of food, proteolytic enzymes will break down what’s not supposed to be in the stomach as well as inflammatory chemicals that are causing inflammation.

There are also some non oral pain relief options that can locally relieve muscle tension and change your body’s interpretation of pain. I often recommend topical menthol creams, topical essential oil creams, and homeopathic Arnica creams. They can help change pain receptor activity at the local site of pain.

Vitamins and Minerals

Many patients with fibromyalgia have deficiencies in proper vitamins and nutrients. They also often have gut issues that make it harder for them to properly absorb nutrients from their food and most over the counter vitamins.  

It’s so important for patients to get vitamins and nutrients in the right concentration and the right ratio to help fight inflammation and repair any cells and tissue that are affected by inflammation.

The right ratio of vitamins and nutrients also helps with having healthy nerves and repairing damaged nerves. Fibromyalgia is often a nerve condition that results in muscle pai. This can look like whole body aches, topical skin nerve pain, or nerve pain under the skin. For instance, people with fibromyalgia could be deficient in B vitamins and minerals. 

By getting the right concentration and ratio of these proper vitamins and nutrients, they can help the body to either have building blocks to repair itself and help repair those nerves, or to directly impact nerve function. 

Book a Call with Me!

It can be overwhelming to find a place to start when dealing with fibromyalgia pain. Pain management is an important piece of the puzzle, but finding the root cause of the inflammation and pain will lead to longer lasting relief and better quality of life.

I would love to help you bridge the gap between your health goals and the focus of your care team. Schedule a free 15 minute discovery call with me so we can discuss your health needs and see if we’re a good fit to work together to give you the best life possible.


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