What happens in your doctor’s office is just a small part.
Are you stuck? Frustrated? Confused or overwhelmed? That’s because so many parts of health make up the whole!
With autoimmune conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, long-haul, or other inflammatory conditions, there are often more steps required to feel optimal again—but it’s possible!
“Surviving to Thriving” in 90 Days
I help people (men, women, everyone!) struggling with fatigue, brain fog, body pain, weight gain, trouble sleeping, digestive issues, bladder pain, low mood, premature skin aging, or irritability to go from surviving day-to-day to living their best lives!
Do you have chronic symptoms? It’s time to maximize your physical, mental, and emotional/spiritual health in 90 days (virtually!) so you can feel more in control, navigate your health with confidence, and have the energy to feel joyful about life again.
Are you ready to make transformational changes to feel happier, get a healthier brain, have the energy to do the things you love, and improve your quality of life?
Let’s chat to see if this self-guided 12-week course is right for you!
What you will gain in 90 days:
The foundation for living an anti-inflammatory lifestyle with your most optimal immune system
Nutrition guidelines that actually work
Education about the root causes that might be affecting you
An understanding of all your treatment options
An understanding of how to best navigate the health system as someone with chronic illness
Better relationships and quality time with your loved ones
A positive relationship with your body
A comprehensive approach. Learn more about the health modalities we’ll explore here.
Energy, mental clarity, better sleep, less pain, and a better mood!
Optional add-on package: six 1-on-1 coaching video calls, every other week. Learn more here.
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Check out the weekly content schedule.
Preview the first lesson for free below. Thinkific will prompt you to create a free account in order to view.
How am I confident I can help you?
I was diagnosed with autoimmunity at the age of 14. But taking my prescribed medications and following the doctor’s orders wasn’t enough to regain my quality of life. I’ve learned so much about managing health from living with chronic illness for over 15 years, but I decided to go to medical school and become a naturopathic doctor so I could truly understand health.
I’ve already helped people like you! As an ND, I’ve helped hundreds of people with chronic symptoms, autoimmune conditions, post-COVID, CFS, fibromyalgia, etc. Now that I’m not limited by time or insurance here in the coaching realm, I can share even more information than I could in the office! I’ve done additional professional training in polyvagal theory and the mind-body connection. I’m excited to merge all my lived experience, naturopathic and professional education, and clinical experience into one course to help others!
I understand what it’s like to live with chronic symptoms. In fact, here are all of the diagnoses I have ever had: Crohn’s disease, arthritis, sacroiliitis, chronic fatigue syndrome/ME, fibromyalgia, chronic EBV and other viral infections, chronic sinus infection, chronic bladder infection, interstitial cystitis, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease and coinfections, mold toxicity, chronic conjunctivitis, tonsillitis, vulvodynia, IBS, SIBO, Candidiasis, mycoplasma, CIRS, migraine, dysautonomia, POTS, lymphadenopathy, suspected endometriosis, hormonal imbalance, HPA axis dysfunction, cPTSD, anxiety, hyperthyroidism, insomnia, mast cell activation syndrome, post-exertional malaise, and generalized muscle weakness.
I am still healing—I believe I always will be, because optimal health is a lifestyle and a lifelong endeavor—but I am leading a happy, fulfilling life. I feel confident because I know what’s going on in my body. I am no longer bedbound, feeling stuck, or crippled by anxiety. I have gained the tools and education to feel in control of my health and my health care. My pain levels and fatigue are down from a 9/10 to a 1/10. I know how to support my body. I would love for you to get to experience this too!